Wednesday, October 30, 2019

LOVE. -- OB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

LOVE. -- OB - Research Paper Example These techniques even though in many cases prove useful; it fails in majority of the situations. This causes the conflict to rise which in turn leads to negotiations. Some of these negotiations are arbitrated by third parties while others are handled by managers themselves. There are critical aspects of negotiations as well which are discussed in later. Overall, whether conflict is positive or negative for the company depends on the outcome. Sometimes a conflict can have a positive outcome in the short-term but the results can be devastating in the long-run and vice versa. In the 21st century, workforce and workplace etiquettes are both going through rapid changes because of cut-throat competition. Such changes are placing stress not just on the management but also the workforce which is increasing the chances for workplace conflict and deviant behaviors at workplace (De Dreu, 2008). Thus, highlighting the importance for effective conflict management is crucial. Unfortunately, no literature has yet been linked to conflict management and worker issues that may cause conflicts (De Dreu, 2008). For many years now, scholars and academics in organizational behavior and psychology have conducted vast researches on the workplace conflict. While some have conducted studies on the negative side of it, others have examined the positive effects. According to De Dreu (2006), positive functions of conflict are linked with learning, improved quality of decisions, creativity, innovation and overall enhancement in productivity and team effectiveness. On the contrary, De Dreu and Gelfand (2007) has noted the negative functions of conflict such as increased stressed, low job satisfaction and vice versa of positive functions. Many scholars would argue mostly on the positive functions that arise from the conflict issues such as those related to tasks (e.g. designing best strategy) rather than personal issues (e.g. disagreements on

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Write Radio Drama Essay Example for Free

How to Write Radio Drama Essay Here are some horrible truths: Most radio drama is very badly written. Radio drama is an endangered species. It has never taken a hold of mainstream programming on commercial radio in the UK. It used to be the mainstream in the States and Australia but lost out to TV in the middle to late fifties. It is under threat within public radio services including the BBC because of the pressure of monetarist ideology and the fact that authors and radio drama directors have been too complacent. IRDP is a significant oasis and continues to support the principle of the original play. Ground rules The Beginning The beginning is everything. If this part of it does not work you are up shit creek without a paddle. Your listeners will desert you. You have failed. You do not exist as a dramatist. Booo! The Moment of Arrival This is how you drop your listeners into the story. Dont give them a warm bed with comfortable pillows and a hot water bottle. The background and sub-text of previous histories is better explored through revelation in dramatic action. So parachute your listener into a top dramatic moment. Not the climax. That would be premature. Find the MOMENT to join the story. Avoid the slow snails explicatory route. Kick em into a high energy trip and whoosh them through the rapids. Structure Set upstruggleresolution. You can reverse this if the set-up is more dramatic and explosive than the resolution. Regard your play as a series of phases The Plot This is the story with lots of twists and turns. The more the merrier. Most listeners like good exciting plots. Without a good plot youre eating a souffle that has gone flat. You need plot, more plot and more plot. Run at least two story lines. Two sub plots would be interesting. Keep the plots linked logically within the same play. The best system is a major and a  minor storyline linked to one another. Get them to come together at the end. Surprise People are hungry for entertainment. If they wanted boredom they would be filling out their tax returns instead of listening to your radio play. Make people afraid, but also excited. Character Your main character must have the sympathy of the audience. Your audience has to identify with your main character. If this does not happen you have created a failure. Booo! Conflict Drama = conflict = audience. There has to be an emotional, financial, human, moral, physical struggle so your listeners can laugh or cry. Yes, you want your listeners to laugh or cry or laugh and cry. If you dont, give up. Polarities or Extremes The art of story telling is exploring the extreme limits of our psychological or physical existence. To pitch one polarity against another. The Climax I apologize for the sexual metaphor. But there is something in this. The better sex has foreplay, development, sustained excitement, surprise and affection, nay love followed by an explosion of ecstasy. Good radio drama is not all that different. If you dont use it, you lose it. Dialogue This is how we engage dramatically with the world. Characters inform, argue, amuse, outrage, argue through the ebb and flow of dialogue. When we do we talk and that is how great radio plays are talking in dramatic dialogue. Atmosphere / Ambience This sets the emotional spirit of the play. It determines whether your  listeners believe in the world that you have created. Worlds are not created by dramatic dialogue alone. There is attitude and atmosphere. This is determined by detail and relevant detail. It could be in a sound effect. It could be in the writing. It could be in the music. It could be in everything. But the result is that the fifth dimension of radio writing the imagination of the listener is stimulated to become a picture palace of the mind. Emotion Got to be there. You have to generate an emotional response from the audience.preferably to the main character.also not so strongly in relation to the other characters. Emotion = love, hate, admiration. Never mind about the type of emotion..concentrate on whether it is there or not. Emotional connection between the writing and the listener = good radio drama. Balance Character and Plot You have to have both. You cannot trade. One can predominate over the other. Where they are balanced can only work if characterisation relates to plot development. If your main plot is character intensive, make sure that your minor plot is plot intensive. Purpose Crooks golden rule is that every word, every line, every scene must serve a dramatic purpose in terms of characterisation and plot development. Drop anything that does not have a dramatic purpose. Tension and Humour To stop the listener dropping off or switching off, maintain the tension always and throw in the humour. Tension, humour, tension, humour, tension humourlike the foxtrot..Make the emotional rhythm of the play dance on the listeners heart and mind. Charm and alarm, charm and alarm. But theyve got to be linked. Your character uses humour to react to the tension in the scene or play. Keep one character who uses humour to deal with difficult situations. Make sure the humour is verbal. Slapstick belongs to a different  type of play or entertainment. Make sure you do not have characters taking it in turns to be funny. This is not stand up comedy or sitcom. Make sure that the character who uses humour has a consistent sense of humour. Get your listener inside the world of your play. How? a. Sympathy or empathy with the main character. b. A bloody good set up. c. A big, nasty antagonist or villain. d. Great PlotGreat Story.twists and turns. e. Crisis at the beginning is dramatic and a great start. f. Emotional intensity. Hit some high points. g. Escalating conflict so the structure climbs with tension and humour. h. Strike the colours with detail so theres an atmosphere, moodambience. I. Modulate charm with alarmhumour with tensiontension with humourfunny policeman nasty policeman. j. Surprise, surprisethats what you do to the listener, through the plot. The principle of developing scenes 1.Introduction. 2.Character onegoal and objective. 3.Character twogoal and objective. 4.Purpose of scene in overall plot. 5.One of the characters achieves a goal. 6.Link to the next scene by introducing or pointing to location of next scene or presence of character in next scene. Question marks in the mind of the listener. Always keep one, better two or three The Principle of Character 1.Believable and recognisable. 2.Purpose within the plot. 3.Characters have to have function. Character has to be consistent with function. 4.Characters have to be intentional. 5.Start with a stereotype to ensure rapid recognition, then twist the stereotype. Challenge the homily that there is nothing new under the sun by making it new under the moon. 6.Give each character a dominant physical or behavioural characteristic. Make the dominant characteristic purposeful. Make it extreme. 7.Your main character must be active. 8.Active character / urgent plot. The characters energy has to fight the urgency of the plot and the urgency of the plot makes the character more energetic. The principle of Hero / Heroine 1.Listeners look up to main characters, want to admire them because we all want heroes and heroines in our lives. Lifes eternal fantasy that transcendent people and transcendent moments conquer adversity. 2.If you are very clever you can transfer the hero from the obvious to the humble and make great the inferior or character who has greater potential for human dignity. 3.Charisma. Characters need intensity and conviction. They may not be perfect but they are attractive. You cannot identify with people who are unlike ourselvestoo perfect, no beliefstake themselves too seriouslylack a sense of humour.. 4.Give your characters private moments when they drop their guards and allow us into their minds and hearts. Make the listener privileged. Use this moment for revelation. 5.The main character has to change and has to be changed by the plot. 6.You must have a main character and secondary characters. Your main character changes. Your secondary characters are probably more singular in their characteristics. Your secondary characters are already committed. Your main character is still weighing up the options. 7.You must have characters who are extreme in relation to each othercharacters that are different make drama. Where are we now? Well, we should be here. a. The main character is in the middle of the story. b. Youve used dominant characteristics. c. The listener likes the main character. d. The listener cares what happens to the main character. e. The listener hates the antagonist. f. The main character is developing. Principles of Dialogue a. Dialogue must be a response to a situation, plot or action. b. Dialogue must be a response to each character in the scene. c. Dialogue must be comic relief. d. Dialogue must connect to the next scene. e. Avoid reflective, passive and neutral. Go for active, and direct and emotional. f. Dialogue must be believable by being specificby being specific to the characters background and emotional state. g. If dialogue is reacting to action or situation then it must be dramatic and poised on polarities. The goals of the characters in each scene should be different. h. Dialogue should be continuous. Tipcharacters often take a tag by repeating the last word spoken by the first character. i. Dialogue must relate to function. j. You can mix direct with indirect between two characters because they have different goals. k. Humorous dialogue is not a character telling a joke but a line or lines responding to the dramatic situation. l. Heightened dialogue vs naturalistic dialogue. Heightened language is the language of the theatrehigh octane communicationpoetic, philosophicalcharged..the expression of the playwrightIt serves not only the development of the plot and character, but it also presents the view of the writer. Works well in radio. But there is now a tendency for more naturalism. Radio producers like to go out on location and explore realism. In these situations you must stick to natural dialogue. Principles peculiar to Radio 1.The inner existence. 2.The tension and conflict between the interior and exterior. 3.More psychological. 4.Easier to explore the real and the surreal and to delineate the line between the two. 5.Have to work in the fifth dimensionthe energy of the listeners imaginative participation. 6.The interior existence offers exploration of personal thoughts, fantasies, emotions and conflicts. 7.All  levels of external conflict can be explored. 8.The precipitating event through plot has to threaten the inner life of the main character. This is the kick-off in radio drama. 9.The end or resolution in radio drama is more deeply rooted in the emotional equilibrium and insight of the main character. Changes are internal as well as external. 10.Time transposition and translocation are faster and more rapid and more complicated. Flashbacksflashforwards different ages. 11.Radio requires less rather than more characters. Characterisation needs to be strong and fascinating. 12.Maintain the focus of the main character and plot. 13.Economy of words underlines subtextual surprise and engagement with the listeners imagination. 14.Wit is vital because language is so importantcleverness with wordsenergy with words..humour with wordsWit is advanced by surprising the listenerbeing aggressive with the listener..being fast, short and clever with the listener. 15.Irony is pathos and bathos. Its conflict between the inner life and outer action. Other radio drama producers in the world Norway: NRK kulturkanalen, P2 RODD- 0340, Oslo, Norway. Swedish Radio, SR S-105 10 Stockholm, Sweden. YLE Finnish Broadcasting Company Radio, PO Box 79 FIN-00024 Yleisrdio, Finland. HR, Hessischer Rundfunk Bertramstrasse 8, 60320 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. DR Danmarks Radio, Radio Drama Department, Ewaldsgade 3-9, DK 2200, Copenhagen N Denmark. ABC Australia, ABC Ultimo Centre, Level 5, 700 Harris Street, Ultimo NSW 2007. CBC-SRC, Radio Drama Department, Box 500, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada MSW 1E6 SDR Suddeutscher Rundfunk, Neckarstrasse 230, 70190, Stuttgart, Germany. Radio Television Hong Kong, Broadcasting House, m 30 Broadcast Drive, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. Other radio drama producers, SABC, South Africa, Los Angeles Theatre Works, LA, California, Public Radio, New Zealand.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Black Boy :: Essays Papers

Black Boy3 Most young people have a dream of what they want to become. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a dream, but some kind of goal that they reach for. In the book, Black Boy, Richard, the main character, also had a dream, even though he lived in the South with strong white discrimination, pressure and a bad relationship with his relatives. As a student right now, I have dreams that I want to achieve in the future, even though I really don’t know how to achieve those dreams. Usually, when people are young, they have dreams of what they want to become. Those dreams may be being a firefighter, baseball player, teacher, pilot and so many other great jobs. When I was a child, I really wanted to become a pilot. The reason that I wanted to become a pilot when I was a child is that my father is a pilot. Richard had a dream to become a writer. However, Richard Wright’s main dream and reasons that made him have his dream are really different from mine. Richard was discriminated against by the whites, and was not treated fairly by his relatives. This terrible environment, which Richard lived through his young age, led him to seek freedom in nature. Even though he dreamed to become a writer, he had no leeway to think about dreams like that or mine. At first, he was just hungry for a better life and environment. Richard’s dream was to go up North for a better life and environment because he was tired of the discrimination and the racial distin ction between whites and blacks. Richard and I are similar in some ways. I really don’t know how to get a job or anything. It is the same as Richard for not knowing the reality of being in the North and becoming a writer. He just imagined himself working all over the place where he could find jobs as one step to reach his dream. I study here in Keio and I believe that it is a step and part of a process to be an adequate person, to gain enough knowledge to have a job in the future. My dream right now is to have a job that would let me work in a foreign country.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Charles Dickens Essay

Thomas Hardy was a 19th century novelist and a 20th century poet. As a novelist, he was last of the great Victorian novelists such as William Thackeray, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Charles Dickens and George Eliot. The last decade of the 19th century was dominated by Thomas Hardy. He wrote 14 novels and almost 900 poems. Hardy’s reputation as a novelist grew during the last decades of of his life and his poetry was relatively neglected. His novels share a pessimist view of the human condition and life. Pessimism is derived from the Latin word ‘Pessimism’ (worst). It is based on a belief that the world is the worst possible and that things are bad and tend to become worse. Thomas Hardy worked out a pessimist theory of his own according to which man is just a puppet in the hands of an inscrutable and malicious force which governs the world and seems to enjoy inflicting endless sufferings. The fact that Hardy resented being called a pessimist is no reason why should not be thus described. Hardy was the painter of darker side of life as it was no wonder if people charge him of ‘pessimist’. The opinion is both right and wrong in this context. In fact, there are some factors that compel us to believe him a pessimist. He was hyper-sensitive, his own life was tragic and gloomy. For a speculative soul, this world is a thorny field. Thomas Hardy captured the heartbeat of the rural English people against the looming backdrop of encroaching industrialism. His novels have a genuine, almost autobiographical feel because he used many personal experiences, acquaintances, settings and opinions in his fiction. Thomas Hardy’s pessimism also represents actual events. Relationships and social issues of Hardy’s life. Hardy’s fatalism and pessimism began to manifest itself in his early childhood, as he was the result of an unplanned pregnancy, and then later in his youth, when his family could not afford to fund a full education. As he grew into adulthood, Hardy began to feel acutely the line drawn between him and those of a higher class. His despairing relationships with two women, his cousin Tryphena Sparksand his first wife, Emma Lavinia Gifford, were the inspiration for the futile plotlines of his three novels. Because of the harsh society in which he lived, his lack of money, two unhappy relationships, and the failure of his last two novels to be accepted by his readers; (due to their anti-marriage, anti-social and anti-religious material), Thomas Hardy emerged as a pessimistic novelist and poet of the 19th century. Because of autobiographical touch in his novels, some of the Hardy’s heroes and even heroines adopt his personal qualities and go through some of the same life situations that he did. Additionally, many of the Hardy’s female characters are extremely similar to the lovers and friends he had throughout his life. Hardy personally felt the crushing pressure of the Victorian society, namely its rules and regulations concerning love and marriage. Hardy, and therefore, his characters often rebel against this society, making decisions that contradict the expectation of their society. Many times, Hardy felt that he was an outcast in his society, partly because his religious beliefs did not match up with the church’s, but also because his social thoughts and actions were more progressive than his counterparts. After experiencing years of disagreement with the England of the 1800 s and having a marked desire for progression, Hardy became understandably morose. His novels became increasingly dismal and pessimistic and it is for this fatalistic tone that he is greatly remembered. The Victorian age was an age of doubt, of contradictions and conflicts. This fact too shows its impact on the writing of Hardy. People were to live by the Bible but many took it in the strict sense and followed the literal words strictly we see in ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles’ how Tess is treated unjustly by the society, which followed the law in words and not in spirit. The gloomy effect of his age plays an important role in his writings. Doubts, despair, disbelief, frustration, industrial revolution, disintegration of old social and economic structure, Darwin’s theory of evolution were gthe chief characteristics of that age. All these factors probe deep into his writings, and heighten the somber , melancholic and tragic vision. His pessimism is also the outcome of the impressions that he receives from villager’s life. There were plenty of tragedies in the life of the poverty stricken Wessen folk, as shown in this novel ‘Tess of D’Urbervilles’. Hardy’s philosophy of the human condition is determined by his natural temper and disposition, He says: â€Å"A man’s Philosophy of life is an instinctive, temperamental matter. † Hardy, practically, excludes from his writings the sense of splendour and beauty of human life completely. Tess’ life is totally devoid of even a single moment of happiness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Effects of Dysfunctional Families

Self-destruction of the Mind Many children grow up in dysfunctional families and in order to know what a dysfunctional family is, we have to understand how it operates. No family is perfect and disagreements, bickering and yelling are normal. But the word we are looking for here is â€Å"balance†. This is exactly what dysfunctional families’ lack, whether parents are controlling, deficient, alcoholic or abusive, they have an adverse, long term effect on the children even long after they have grown up and left home. Many of these adults from dysfunctional families often feel inadequate and incomplete.They have difficulty with intimate relationships and often develop compulsive behaviors and addictions, being self-destructive in their own mind. Let us consider a family that is too controlling, where parents are over dominating and do not allow their children simple fun and deny them of their independence. These parents continue to make decisions and control their children even at an age where it is unnecessary. So growing up and learning to be independent can be difficult, a feeling of anger and resentment may present itself.Transition into adulthood poses some struggle to these adults who often feel unsure of themselves and guilty because they feel as though they are disobeying their parents by making their own decisions. Let us take a look at the other extreme where parents are deficient in their roles and are not present in the rearing of their children. These parents leave their children to often fend for themselves which forces them to grow up too fast. Taking on adult responsibilities to make up for the parental inadequacy, these kids ignore their feelings and often grow up not knowing how to show emotion.They find it difficult to form and maintain intimate relationships, they fear getting close to others for fear of abandonment. They often develop a sense of helplessness and blame themselves for the absence of their parents. Whether there is too much parental discipline or a lack of guidance, children growing up without this balance often fear badly. And when alcohol, drug abuse and abusive behavior on the parents part is thrown in, this can be very damaging to these children all through their life. This kind of environment strikes terror in these children, they feel afraid to make mistakes and often live on the edge of fear.Abused children feel anger, frustration and are usually insecure. They do not feel comfortable at home and never voice their opinions. They do not trust easily and find it hard to maintain relationships. Adults grown up from alcoholic and abusive families develop all these negative character traits and often never grow out of them. Children of alcoholics and drug abusers are at much higher risk for developing substance abuse than are children in healthy families. Therefore, unfortunately many of these adults create their own pattern of compulsive behavior and addictions.The effects of dysfunctional families are long term and most times these children are robbed of their childhood. Whether families are over functioning by not allowing children breathing room to think for themselves or under functioning by neglecting the needs of their kids, these families are inconsistent and lack the proper balance of discipline and freedom. As a result these children grow up with trouble maintaining positive self-esteem, they often blame themselves for the dysfunctions in the family and this feeling of helplessness and unworthiness carries on throughout their adulthood.They struggle with trust and intimate relationships and sadly some fall into the pit of alcoholism and drug abuse. These children are victims and these negative self-images they have of themselves causes them to become self-destructive in their own mind. With positive thinking and the correct mindset and with the right help they can overcome these difficulties. References Bentont, S. (1993). www. k-state. edu. Retrieved from ht tp://www. k-state. edu/counseling/topics/relationships/dysfunc. html Bohli, E. (2012). Symptoms of adults from dysfunctional families. Retrieved from http://www. erikbohlin. net/Handouts/Coming_from_dysfunction. pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cell Phone History essays

Cell Phone History essays In the early 1920s the Detroit Police Department was the first government agency to use mobile radiotelephones in their patrol cars. At this time only one-way service was available, the pertinent information could be sent to the police vehicle but no response to the call was possible. Some five years later two-way service was introduced by a police department in New Jersey. This capability was then also made available for those private citizens that could afford it. The basic concept of cellular phones began in 1947, when researchers looked at crude mobile (car) phones and realized that by using small cells (range of service area) with frequency reuse they could increase the traffic capacity of mobile phones extensively. Unfortunately at the time, the technology did not exist. In 1947, AT It was not until 1968 when the FCC reconsidered its position, stating if the technology to build a better mobile service works, we will increase the frequencies allocation, freeing the airwaves for more mobile phones. Both ATcell a few miles in radius and collectively covering a larger area. Each tower would use only a few of the total frequencies allocated to the system. The idea was that as the phones traveled across the area, cal...

Monday, October 21, 2019

PhD at Boston University 8 Geography Dissertation Requirements You Have to Meet at Any Cost

PhD at Boston University 8 Geography Dissertation Requirements You Have to Meet at Any Cost PhD at Boston University: 8 Geography Dissertation Requirements You Have to Meet at Any Cost Interested in completing a PhD geography dissertation at Boston University? That’s great! We’re ready to provide you with all the information you could possibly need to know about its requirements. Firstly, Boston University is a great choice to do a geography PhD because is it a leading research institution. A PhD is considered to be prestigious, but it requires a lot of work and efforts to be completed the right way. Everyone has its own requirements. We’re going to introduce the PhD requirements at Boston University: According to the Geography program, students are to complete 16 courses. This works out to 64 credits. Credit transfers are possible and should be worked out with an advisor. As a part of the 64 credits, CAS GE 516 Multivariate Analysis for Geographers (or equivalent) must be taken. Two analytical methods courses are also a part of the core requirements for the geography dissertation. One course (preferably more) must be taken in a similar field outside of the department. Towards the end of the term of a coursework, students have to pass a qualifying exam. This exam is two-part. There is a written and oral examination. The written one is on two large fields of geography. The oral one is done after students’ work (papers, other coursework exams, theses, etc.) has been reviewed by a committee. In order to demonstrate their capability of an independent study, a dissertation must be finished. The research prospectus and a proposal for this are expected. Then, a final oral exam is given for a student to defend the dissertation. Sometime after six courses have been finished and before the entire 16 courses are complete, a research paper and its presentation must be given to the department. This is a separate stage from the dissertation but is still required. During this program, students are expected to give, at least, one colloquium presentation with the purpose of showing progress in their research. This is the outline of the requirements for getting a PhD in Geography at the Boston University. The dissertation is a necessary and important part of this process. And, you should be ready to follow all these rules. Each one has even further requirements, but don’t get overwhelmed. Take every one step by step; the staff and professors at the university are there to help you. Speak to your fellow students as well. They are going through the same thing and are a helpful source of the dissertation requirements. You could even make lifelong friends or networking connections for when you get out of school. A geography dissertation is a serious undertaking and we wish you the best of luck with it! To double-check that you have met all the requirements when you have finished writing your paper, you could get further help from a writing service to get custom written dissertations online.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Five things to remember when writing your first bid 

Five things to remember when writing your first bid   Five things to remember when writing your first bid OK, theres no getting away from it: successful bids take a bit of effort to create. And if you’ve never written one before, it could seem like a particularly daunting task. But keeping a few crucial principles in mind will put you in the strongest possible position when you have to write one for the first time. So here are five things to remember when that time comes. 1. A bid is not an info packet. Its a persuasion tool. If you start the bid-writing process from the wrong perspective, chances are high that your proposal wont do its job. The goal of a bid is to persuade someone to choose your company. Therefore, you must think of this process as an exercise in persuasive writing, not in providing an encyclopedic description of what your company is capable of. Taking a cue from sales, the best road to persuasion is understanding your customer, identifying their need, comprehending that need, showing your customer you understand it, and then showing that you (and only you) have the solution. By simply supplying your potential client with an exhaustive treatise on why your company is wonderful, youve not taken any of the necessary steps towards persuasion. If you dont show the relevance of these facets to your potential customer, you’ve failed from the start. Don’t assume this is self-evident: connect the dots for them. The next four pointers will set you on the right pathway for actually writing your first bid. Follow them and youll end up with an effective persuasion tool that gives you the edge above your competitors. (To learn how to apply them to your own bids, check out  our bid-writing courses for individuals  and for teams.) 2. A bid should be personalised for the client. Take the time to customise the proposal. Bid writing should not be a template-driven process or an exercise in copy and paste. Youll need to do your homework and create a bid thats completely tailored for the client. This means you need to put in some solid research before you can even write a word. Yes, its time-consuming and nearly impossible to farm out, but doing so will raise your chances of winning dramatically. Begin by approaching your bid writing from your client’s perspective. That means finding out who the key decision-makers and influencers will be and writing specifically for them. Finding out who the decision-makers are is only step one, however. Then the real detective work begins: your aim here is to work out the mindset of this person (or these people). The more you can get inside their heads, the more likely youll be to strike a chord with them and be selected for the job. How to do this? Again: research. This will mean you can take the perspective of your prospective client. Only then will you be able to see the ‘problem’ from their point of view. Exactly why is it a problem to them? Determine the decision-makers focus. Youll need to consider different approaches depending on what this is. For example, are they more concerned about customer service or cost savings? Are they operations-orientated or finance-focused? Write your bid in a way that speaks to that point of view and its needs. The more you can sync your bid to the clients way of thinking about the project, the more likely it will be that they’ll see your proposal as offering the right solution for them. Which brings us to the next point. 3. A bid should show that you clearly understand the job. Think of your bid as a customised solution to the clients unique problem. Just as you should tailor the bid to the decision-makers’ thought processes, you should also tailor your proposal to the job at hand. Bids that win are those which show clearly that you understand the job. It may seem obvious that your understanding of the project is inherent to your providing a solution. However, keep in mind that your bid is a sales tool. Therefore, youre taking the reader through a sales thought process. That process involves leading the client from step one all the way up to the conclusion that only your company can do the job. An essential part of that sales thought process is confirming that you ‘get it’: you understand the job as the client understands it. Once youve laid that groundwork (and reassured them), the next logical step is showing how youll provide a great solution. How can you show that you understand the job? At the risk of repeating myself: do your homework. Look at the client’s website; look at everything they’ve told you. Use their language. The more your bid lines up with the clients way of thinking about the problem, the easier it will be to present the right solution. 4. A bid should show how you will provide value. In the business environment, persuasion is all about adding value. If your bid isnt showing the client how your company will add value, then its not a good bid. Merely describing your companys capabilities isnt necessarily going to win you the job. Put teeth into your proposal by describing what results the client can expect. If youve ever worked in sales, think of the classic ‘features versus benefits’ approach and youll understand what needs to happen here. Clients want to see the benefits of choosing you. Make these explicit. Listing the features of your organisation does not equate with showing benefits: don’t expect your client to pick apart such a list and guess at how each thing will help them. Simply telling them youll put the best and the brightest to work on their project means nothing if they cant make the connection between expertise and added value for them. What really lights up decision-makers’ eyes are statements like ‘we project an increase in sales after three months’ or ‘you can expect a 10 per cent upturn in leads by the end of the month’. 5. The devil is in the detail. Dont forget logistics. Provide a timetable for delivery and explain how and where everything will happen. Include a timeline for development too, so the client will feel informed at every stage of the plan. And don’t forget Finally, everything we’ve covered could still come to no good if you submit a bid littered with obvious grammar problems and typos. It may not seem likely (or fair) that a stray apostrophe could bring the whole deal crashing down to earth, but it’s not worth taking that risk. Good writing reflects the quality of your companys abilities and attention to detail. If you clearly havent taken the time to proofread your bid for errors (or even hire an editor to clean it up for you, if that’s an option) it could make you look very bad. The last word Your bid is an indication of how well youre going to perform the job. If youre serious about creating a winning proposal, these five reminders will serve you well. Keep this as a guideline and follow these steps and youll be well-placed to put the competition to shame with your first bid – and every one after that. hbspt.cta.load(2645537, '7b23ded2-8092-4854-8dd9-62573d3f63b2', {}); Image credit: Sunny studio / Shutterstock

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Organizational Rationalization Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Organizational Rationalization - Case Study Example It is evident that many organizations use rationalization procedure to cut down their expenses. When a company, industry, or a system rationalizes, it becomes more efficient, usually by getting rid of excess staff members and types of equipment, which are not essential. This essay analyses the advantages and disadvantages, which Junction Hotel will experience from rationalizing its operations. Main features of a rational organization From a rational organization perspective, organizations are specially designed to obtain a certain goal (Scott p. 29). Some of the expressions used in this rational perspective are words such as efficiency, information, implementation, design, and optimization. Other â€Å"rational† rhetoric includes authority, rules, constraints, jurisdiction, performance, coordination, programs, and directives. The two main features of a rational organization are formalization and goal specificity (Morgan p. 13). Goal specifics- Organizational goals are tentativ ely described as an achievement of desired objectives. However, rational perspective hypotheses that goals guide decision making on how to design the organizational structure. The junction hotel should be goal specific in order to enable the management to come up with a more official organizational chart. Formalization- Formalization degree is the extent that responsibilities depend on specific individual attributes of the person occupying the responsibilities. Formalization tries to regulate and standardize behaviour. Formalization is also an effort to make the relationship structure more explicit and visible (Scott p. 31). Based on the Junction hotel perception, organizational structure should be a tool that can be amended to improve the hotel’s performance. According to Scott, a formalization is an option to the information structure (p. 33). It can separate people’s feelings between employees in work activities. Most early theorists stressed rational perspective an d described organizations as purposeful and deliberate. These rational theories were: Taylor and Scientific Management Taylor and his colleagues emphasized that it was easy to evaluate individual workers’ tasks scientifically in aid of discovering the procedures, which junction hotel should use to maximize the organization’s output under minimum resources and energies. Although Taylor concentrated on people, changes in personal level highly resulted in alterations at the structural level (Scott p. 34). This is highly evident in, Junction hotel, which has much personnel hence some of them do not know their exact responsibilities. This theory has changed management roles since the roles of both workers and managers were under scientific investigation. Taylor’s point of view was an amalgam of social Darwinism, protestant, and a primary view of individual actions founded on economic incentives (Scott p. 35). The junction hotel should apply such theory in order to co me up with significant management of roles for both workers and managers in the hotel. By doing this, the workers will be able to complete their responsibilities at the right time hence attracting more employees. Administrative Theory (Fall) Administrative theory stressed management roles and tried to generate wide management principle that would act as rationalization guidelines of organizational activities (Scott p. 36). Whilst scientific management rationalized from â€Å"bottom up†, administrative theory focused on productivity advancements from â€Å"top down†.  

Careers Management in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Careers Management in Business - Essay Example It also seeks to analyse how graduates aim to get over some of the challenges going to be discussed below. An analysis of the volatile economy will also be undertaken and the last part of the paper sums up the main points discussed. Basically, a career can be defined as a pattern of work and work related to activities that people develop throughout a lifetime (World Book Encyclopedia, 2008). It includes a job or a series of jobs a person has until retirement. In most cases, it can be observed that careers vary greatly in the type of work involved and in the ways they influence a person’s life. Many careers are based on work for pay and they usually shape the type of lifestyle a person can lead. Of notable concern is the fact that tertiary qualifications usually obtained by graduates often shape their lifetime careers. However, it may not be very easy for the graduates to easily get their dream jobs as they often face numerous challenges during their studies like failing to get places to do their internship or to secure permanent employment after completion of their respective degrees. In as far as the aspects of internship and employment are concerned, it can be noted that the employer plays a significant role in creating the opportunity and climate for full development of the student such that his or her capabilities are optimally utilised (Nelson, 2002). The main advantage of this aspect of internship or in-service training is that the student is given the opportunity to experience the actual environment of their chosen careers before entering into them. This allows for a realistic assessment of the expectations and understanding of the employer’s requirements. It can be noted that the volatility of the economy has a bearing on the students’ endeavours to pursue their careers as a result of different factors going to be analysed below. Due to the emergence of the borderless economy as a result of globalisation, it can be observed that tre nds in the global economy have a bearing on the performance of economies of different countries as well as the respective organizations operating in such environments. Over the past two decades, it can be noted that the size of the global village has rapidly shrunk as a result of the massive advances in information and technology (Venter, 2003). Investors are often seen moving to developing countries given that globalisation sought to liberalise trade and investment opportunities in different countries by various multinational companies as a result of the emergency of the borderless economies. However, the extent of employment creation through globalisation strongly hinges on the competitive edge of the economic policies of the host countries. If these are not in tandem with the dictates of globalization, the host country can fail to attract investors which results in limited chances of employment creation for new graduates. Given such a scenario, competition among the graduates can be seen to lead to shortages of employment as well as internship vacancies for these people. The volatility of the global economy can also pose serious challenges to organizations which may be forced to retrench rather that employ new workers. For instance, the global economic crisis that recently gripped the world resulted in many multinational com

Friday, October 18, 2019

Deniers of Genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Deniers of Genocide - Essay Example One of the most controversial cases of genocide occurred in Nanking China in 1937-38 when occupying Japanese forces tortured, brutalized, raped, and murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children over a six-week period. Its limited duration and scale of devastation portrays it as one of the most intense periods of violence in world history. Yet, decades of denial by the Japanese government and conflicting first hand accounts have fuelled a debate in regards to the accuracy of the event, and it has even been questioned as to its authenticity. As the story continues to evolve and more facts come to light, historical researchers revise the history of the incident and are themselves targets of controversy and risk the accusation of being revisionists. Psychological, cultural, and pragmatic forces delayed and minimized Japans public acknowledgement of their involvement in the Nanking massacre and have routinely impeded the historians efforts to adequately record the ev ent. History is not a set of facts, but is a dynamic concept of evolving knowledge that is interpreted in the context of the past and re-evaluated in the framework of the present. Terms such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, and atrocities suffer from semantics and the diverse subjectivity of worldviews can characterize an event to a nations advantage or disadvantage. Determining when an excessive use of force crosses over into genocide can make, "Politicians, scholars, relief agencies, and distinguished judges at international tribunals regularly agonize over whether to apply the label".1 States may suppress information or produce disinformation in a self-serving attempt to protect their image and self-interests. Historical scientists grapple with these complexities as they attempt to draw a clearer picture of past events, and suffer when activists rewrite historical accounts based on their own political or social agendas.

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Personal Statement Example I also developed a strong attraction to law, particularly as it pertains to intellectual property, technology and healthcare. My bilingual and bicultural background enables me to more fully consider a problem and to more creatively generate and synthesize solutions. My professional experience in each culture has equipped me to exercise leadership with confident intention and cultural sensitivity. My cultural sense has been enhanced by travel in Europe and the Middle East. In addition to cultural, linguistic and organizational skills, I have gained recognition for persuasive speaking and official leadership in university social, business and law fraternities. A President’s Scholarship recipient and active member of two international clubs, I devote more than 20 hours each semester to charitable causes (Habitat for Humanity, animal refuge, parks). I am comfortable with people from every socio-economic background, and adapt myself appropriately. This has contributed to my strong presence with university faculty and student body. These are some of the critical factors signaling my readiness to study and practice law with a clear mind, mature judgment and social conscience.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Draft Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Draft - Research Paper Example As the paper declares an emerging way of social networking that has been ably used by organizations to manage crises is blogging. This is because these blogs provide information to customers and may also display their opinion to the public. Blogs especially the political blogs may be important tools for communication especially when crises arise and can also help in the monitoring of responses of the targeted audience. According to thr research findings social media has played an important aspect in the management of crises whenever they occur within organizations. An unpredictable occurrence that may take place that may interfere or impede the expectations of the stakeholders served by the organization and may affect the performance and outcomes of the entity. In the advent of the technology and social media, organizations have increasingly experienced different cases of crises in the management of their affairs. Coombs used the situational crisis communication theory (SCCT) in the categorization of crises and found that some affected the victim that called for minimal responsibility, natural disasters, violence at the work place, unverified claims (rumors), tampering with products, accidents and technical errors. In addition, other crises were found to be product harm, crises that could be prevented, crises caused by human errors, as well as organizational misdeeds amongst others. In the case of businesses or other profit-generating organizations, the crises may be specific to the type of products or services that they deal in or offer to their clientele.

Critical analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Critical analysis - Essay Example At the end of the story, we find two stances being provided to the presence of the girls in the store. Ironically, both Lengel and Sammy have been looking at the girls with the same male stare, but end up performing very different actions as a result. While Sammy stands up for the girls' rights, the manager falls back on a conventional disapproval of their attire and embarrasses them for it. In Faulkner's short story, the crime is not rape - in fact, Minnie's friends even wonder if she was actually raped at all. The crime is that the men believe that a black man dared to rape a white woman. While the men punish him by killing him, the women are seen as gossipy and wanting to know details about the rape rather than trying to provide their friend with comfort. Point of view may be used as a thematic device when the author or narrator of a short story seems more concerned with presenting a perspective on the themes of the text, rather than telling a story or drawing attention to conventional aspects of character or plot. Virginia Woolf revolutionized the technique of presenting points of view with her use of stream of consciousness and the interior monologue. In "Kew Gardens" the point of view is that of the flower bed, while the bed and the insects and other features in it are presented in sharp focus, we only see a 'slice' of the lives of the people who are walking by. The first couple's passing by shows that they are estranged from each other - he is walking several steps away from her. Even the traumatic memory of losing his first love is a fragmented one, as it is revealed that he can remember insignificant things about it much more distinctly than he can - or wants to - recall the event itself, where his girlfriend turned down his proposal of marriage. His wife and children and his whole life seem insignificant in comparison to the small, trivial details magnified in the story. Russell Smith's short story uses point of view to juxtapose what people are and what they want to be. His protagonist finds life in the urban world oppressive, and the narrative point of view seems sardonic about life in such metropolitan centers as Toronto, where superficiality is the norm and true meaning is often forgotten. #3. Discuss irony as a strategic element in the story "The Age of Lead" by Margaret Atwood and the story "The Gospel according to Mark" by Jorge Luis Borges. In Atwood's "The Age of Lead'' the irony seems to be that two people who did not want finality in their lives end up with nothing but death and a 'frozen' existence. The body of the dead sailor that is frozen and being talked about non television is a strong metaphor for the lives that the narrator and Vincent have been living. Of particular significance seems the fact that the sailor has been dead for long, but that his body is perfectly preserved since he died in the Arctic. The body exemplifies a dead existence where one remains stagnant and may as well be dead. Vincent dies of an unnamed disease at a relatively young age, signifying that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Draft Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Draft - Research Paper Example As the paper declares an emerging way of social networking that has been ably used by organizations to manage crises is blogging. This is because these blogs provide information to customers and may also display their opinion to the public. Blogs especially the political blogs may be important tools for communication especially when crises arise and can also help in the monitoring of responses of the targeted audience. According to thr research findings social media has played an important aspect in the management of crises whenever they occur within organizations. An unpredictable occurrence that may take place that may interfere or impede the expectations of the stakeholders served by the organization and may affect the performance and outcomes of the entity. In the advent of the technology and social media, organizations have increasingly experienced different cases of crises in the management of their affairs. Coombs used the situational crisis communication theory (SCCT) in the categorization of crises and found that some affected the victim that called for minimal responsibility, natural disasters, violence at the work place, unverified claims (rumors), tampering with products, accidents and technical errors. In addition, other crises were found to be product harm, crises that could be prevented, crises caused by human errors, as well as organizational misdeeds amongst others. In the case of businesses or other profit-generating organizations, the crises may be specific to the type of products or services that they deal in or offer to their clientele.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Terrorist Techniques - Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Terrorist Techniques - Strategy - Assignment Example Therefore, based on the terrorist scenarios, the most applicable and relevant objectives are attrition and threat elimination. Terrorist groups use attrition against a state in an attempt to destroy its resources, leaving the government weak and ineffective. Specifically, this motive is aimed at liberating a territory from the control of the state or acquiring a particular position within the society either politically or geographically (Kydd & Walter,  2006). In particular, attrition is a war based on longevity and the team with the most resources to assume the costs of attacks wins. The conflict between Sri Lanka and the terror group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) utilized this strategy. Specifically, throughout the year 2000, the LTTE employed the attrition war model to suppress and weaken the government with a series of attack on the government, the public, and the military (Kydd & Walter,  2006). However, the application of this strategy by the Tamil Tigers was due to their financial disability that curtails them from a direct involvement in the war with the government. In their attacks, t he terrorists aim at persuading the enemy that it has the financial strength to inflict high-cost tests in order to achieve its desires. As argued by Robert Pape, terrorists use bombing as an attrition strategy due to their financial constraints. Terrorist groups success lies in their ability to influence the behavior of their target group. Specifically, the success of their actions is embedded in threat elimination by attacking the government and any other relevant authority or individual whose influence will aid in the realization of their objectives (Kydd & Walter,  2006). Risk avoidance is a form of intimidation that suppresses target group. According to Drake (1998), the psychological fear or threat created by a terror group helps in the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay Example for Free

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay Two themes emerge from Robert D. Kaplan’s â€Å"The Coming Anarchy. † The first is civilization and de-civilization against all odds. The second is Africa, an example of the group countries that are left behind by civilization. These two themes will be discussed in this essay. The movie â€Å"Girl in the Cafe† is a perfect illustration of what is happening in Africa. The movie took place at a time where most countries have attained a high level of civilization. They have technologies, cultural developments and modern values and concerns. It took place at a time where globalization is at a high level that countries’ leaders meet together to decide the fate of the world. Amidst all their issues stood one issue that not all countries find to be a priority—the condition in Africa and the fate of its people amidst the poverty and difficulties being experienced in the country. It is sad to say that when globalization began to take place, not all countries were able to follow. In fact, even at present, some countries are too attuned to being globalized, but most countries are still struggling with the concept and imagining themselves being globalized and enjoying the benefits that are claimed to come together with globalization. Some countries remain behind their countries’ boundaries by choice, but many remains behind by sheer inability to cope with world developments. Unfortunately, the so-called gap between the rich and poor manifests not only among individuals, but also among countries. Unfortunately, these poor countries are the ones always plagued with issues and hindrances that make it more difficult for them to globalize. Unfortunately, these poor countries are always left behind. It may be asked, â€Å"how did globalization come about? † Globalization may be a need as many people say. In my opinion, globalization is a product of civilization. The world began kept with boundaries. People in the past have limited view of the word. There is an international anarchy, not in the sense that there is chaos and disorder, but in the sense that there is no central government that governs the whole world. Governments are small and order is limited to very small communities. However, people began to explore and discover. They form larger governments and organize into states. Globalization is just a continuation of this—a manifestation of a search for a more advanced civilization. In fact, there were several claims in the past about the creation of an international government. Even at present, an international legal order is manifest, although loosely due to several conceptual and political hindrances such as sovereignty of states. However, it cannot be denied that countries are now forming unions and organizations and building international institutions such as courts and tribunals to govern conduct. The inquiry is therefore clear. â€Å"Will the world organize into a bigger union? † The irony in this question is that many countries such as Africa has not yet achieved the high level of civilization that many other countries have achieved. By not being highly civilized, I do not mean to say that they are savage, but only that they are left behind in terms in terms of political, economic and technological developments. Theirs are mostly a case of lawlessness and crime. Chaos and disorder prevails dues to poverty, disease and inadequate natural resources that are existing in the country. It is like being back during the period before the existence of social contracts where every man is a man for himself. The main concern is individual survival, not the advancement of civilization. These countries who were left behind have not made themselves as civilized and globalized as others countries have made themselves. How can they cope with the new world order that will be established in case civilization and globalization become more advanced? Going back to the question, the articles answer seems to be no. The pattern that may be observed is not integration, but disintegration. Countries are beginning to disaffiliate from their respective unions and affiliations. The reasons are simple, resources are scarce and countries have to fight over these resources to survive. It is â€Å"Africa† in a larger scale. The thing that prevents countries like Africa from assimilating to a grand globalization scheme will prevent many countries from becoming more politically and socially advanced. Worse, it may cause their social and political system to deteriorate, bringing them back to a path where they have already trodden before. That path is a path towards pre-civilization. Anarchy may return. An era of lawlessness and crime may again plague the world. The world may revert to the period before civilization when there is no social contract. The world may go back to a period where it is every man for himself or every country for itself. The pillars of cooperation, which countries have so painstakingly erected may easily collapse in the middle of poverty, need and competition for scarce resources. This prediction may be exaggerated, but it may happen; and what better way exists to show what may happen, but through an exaggeration. It is again a point of interest at this point the situation in countries like Africa. While Africa and other countries are still struggling to achieve the level of civilization and globalization that exist in the world, other countries are already going through the process of de-globalization and de-civilization. Even in de-globalization and de-civilization, they seem to be unable to keep up. Or is it that other countries are the ones keeping up with them in terms of de-globalization and de-civilization? It is in times like this that one may realize why government and laws are important. There may be wrongs committed in the government and it may limit or even abuse individual rights. However, governments create order. In times of difficulties, governments take charge. Governments are necessary in the development of a healthy and orderly social and political system. Law controls people. It may cause evils, but it also controls evils. Law is essential in governance and civilization.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

A Feminist Perspective of The Good Mother :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism

A Feminist Perspective of The Good Mother   The Good Mother is carefully structured to make the reader identify strongly with the narrator Anna. The story begins with a close look at the intensely loving relationship between Anna and her daughter. We then learn some of Anna's family history and personal background which prepares us for the stark contrast made by her relationship with Leo. Though there are hints, as Anna relates her story, that Leo is now a part of her past, the reasons and details are withheld from the reader so that we feel as shocked as Anna by the phone call from her ex-husband, saying that he is going to fight for custody of Molly and why. The suspense during the court battle is sustained by the terse descriptions which focus on the facts of the events and the words spoken during the interviews and trial. Because of this reserve, although, like Anna, we fear that she will lose Molly, we are still stunned by the verdict and empathize with her feelings of loss, helplessness, and rage. I think the book is very well written and moving. But I am left wondering why Miller wrote this involving book with such a bittersweet ending, one that's much more sad than sweet. Did she simply want to depress us or to give us a portrait of someone we should feel sorry for? There's not much point in that, of course, so I doubt it. Was the book intended as some sort of moral lesson? The narrator clearly relates her own behavior to her past and her family, but I don't think Anna can be read as either a total victim or as a person who is fully to blame for her own fate as a result of having always made completely informed choices; she was certainly not making informed choices as a child or adolescent. Nor do I think we are supposed to fully blame Anna's family for her behavior; Anna herself says that she "had misread all the signals" (p. 129) from her mother's overwhelming family. Maybe Miller's intent was to make the reader ponder the reasons for a person feeling the way that Anna feels about herself. Why is she so full of guilt and shame and self-hatred? Like Ursula who asks Anna why she didn't fight harder to keep her daughter and Leo, I wonder why Anna responds the way that she does to events throughout her life. A Feminist Perspective of The Good Mother :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism A Feminist Perspective of The Good Mother   The Good Mother is carefully structured to make the reader identify strongly with the narrator Anna. The story begins with a close look at the intensely loving relationship between Anna and her daughter. We then learn some of Anna's family history and personal background which prepares us for the stark contrast made by her relationship with Leo. Though there are hints, as Anna relates her story, that Leo is now a part of her past, the reasons and details are withheld from the reader so that we feel as shocked as Anna by the phone call from her ex-husband, saying that he is going to fight for custody of Molly and why. The suspense during the court battle is sustained by the terse descriptions which focus on the facts of the events and the words spoken during the interviews and trial. Because of this reserve, although, like Anna, we fear that she will lose Molly, we are still stunned by the verdict and empathize with her feelings of loss, helplessness, and rage. I think the book is very well written and moving. But I am left wondering why Miller wrote this involving book with such a bittersweet ending, one that's much more sad than sweet. Did she simply want to depress us or to give us a portrait of someone we should feel sorry for? There's not much point in that, of course, so I doubt it. Was the book intended as some sort of moral lesson? The narrator clearly relates her own behavior to her past and her family, but I don't think Anna can be read as either a total victim or as a person who is fully to blame for her own fate as a result of having always made completely informed choices; she was certainly not making informed choices as a child or adolescent. Nor do I think we are supposed to fully blame Anna's family for her behavior; Anna herself says that she "had misread all the signals" (p. 129) from her mother's overwhelming family. Maybe Miller's intent was to make the reader ponder the reasons for a person feeling the way that Anna feels about herself. Why is she so full of guilt and shame and self-hatred? Like Ursula who asks Anna why she didn't fight harder to keep her daughter and Leo, I wonder why Anna responds the way that she does to events throughout her life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Crusade for Equal Rights in the United States Essay -- American Hi

The struggle for equal rights has been an ongoing issue in the United States. For most of the twentieth century Americans worked toward equality. Through demonstrations, protests, riots, and parades citizens have made demands and voiced their concerns for equal rights. For the first time minority groups were banding together to achieve the American dream of liberty and justice for all. Whether it was equality for women, politics, minorities, or the economy the battle was usually well worth the outcome. I have chosen articles that discuss some of the struggles, voyages, and triumphs that have occurred. The people discussed in the following articles represent only a portion of those who suffered. The first speech that I chose was written by Martin Luther King Jr. in December 1955. The speech was given in Montgomery, Alabama and spoke to African-Americans who gathered in protest after the arrest of Rosa Parks. She refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a city bus and was subsequently arrested. The African-American community decided to protest the decision and a mass rally ensued. According to Foner, â€Å"Martin Luther King Jr. invoked Christian and American ideals of justice and democracy in his speeches.† (901) King used these themes to address the protestors and spoke of Rosa Parks’ character, morals, and integrity. Martin Luther King Jr. was a national symbol of the civil rights struggle and advocated for the African-American community by protesting in a non-violent manner. The demonstrations and protests that were led by King evoked the lack of freedom, justice, and equality that African-Americans endured. Even with all of the injustices that occurred, African-Americans were proud to be American and use... ...rations. Segregation, which was once considered the norm, is now a thing of the past because of such demonstrations. Women were considered inferior to men and were forced to stay at home in the traditional role of housewife until the 1960s. The fact that women united together for equality allowed them to become active in politics, professional roles, and have control over their own bodies. Protestors in the 90s brought attention to inequality on a different level. The environment and economic inequality were now pressing issues. Demonstrations brought public attention to environmental, global, and economic issues. Without unity from these groups the United States would be a completely different country. It is with great admiration that I discuss the events and struggles that these people endured, for I don’t know if I would have the courage to do the same.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Alternative Breaks Essay

Alternative Breaks Essay 1. 2. I have always wanted to be able to give back to my community and my country. Getting an opportunity to be a part of Alternative Breaks will hopefully help me be a more active citizen. In addition, I want to be able to see another part of the world and broaden my experience by giving a helping hand. Staying in a different place and helping others will help me see the world from a whole different angle and will broaden my perspective about our world today and changes that are important to be implemented. I also hope to gain new insights and outlooks through new relationships that I will form.I want to be exposed to countless different experiences that may influence the rest of my life, and may influence me to make a positive change outside of just my community. 3. I have volunteered at a local hospital since my sophomore year of high school. I received a wide range of opportunities, from meeting family members at different areas of the hospital, to volunt eering in the emergency room, to also giving comfort to families in the hospice. In addition, I am very culturally oriented and try to be active in the Indian community.Every summer, I volunteer at an Indian Saturday school which I have attended since kindergarten. I teach students the Indian customs and Hindu religion, as well as how to further their reading and writing skills in Sanskrit. I was responsible for these children for a whole week, and took care of them as if they were my siblings. I spend my free time teaching kids how to do Indian classical dance. I love being active and able to give back to my community as much as I can, and I would love to broaden my experience throughout the country. . I am a very approachable and dedicated. I am a person that can be easily talked to in any situation. I love being able to give help to a person when needed, and I constantly stay on task. In addition, I try my best to put all of my effort into what I have to do, and strive to underst and other’s emotions. My volunteering experience has truly helped me cope with others and understand their feelings. I am sure that my stableness, perseverance, and commitment will guide me through overcoming any obstacle that I may encounter. 5.My biggest fear about going on an Alternative Breaks trip is that I will not be able to fully aid a person or a community as much as I want to. I love helping people, but it does make me sad when people are still not completely benefited with the service that I offer. I try my best to please others, however when I do not live up to my full potential, I begin to feel disheartened. I am prepared to be strong and do the best that I can for whom ever needs my help and guidance. I will hopefully take this weakness as a learning experience to becoming a better person, and hopefully continuing to provide aid to those in need.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Personal Insight Paper

Through the StrengthsQuest progam Gallup has identified 34 themes that are the key to gaining direction in one’s life, building self confidence and finding success. This program helps to identify a person’s top five themes, which allows them to utilize their personal profile to benefit them academically, professionally, and personally. The Gallup StrengthsFinder Profiler identified my signature themes to be Achiever, Woo, Includer, Positivity, and Consistency. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter investigates personality differences, temperament and character to distinguish one from the other.I was classified as an ESFJ, a Provider. The Achiever theme accurately explains my drive to succeed and my determination to reach goals that I have set forth. I have always had a competitive spirit and strong desire to be the best at whatever I set my mind to. Whether it’s with sports or being nominated for an award, I want to win. When I was in the military, my supervisor s would say you want something done and done right; I was the one they would go to. They called me â€Å"their go to girl†. I would never deny or change this part of my personality.By being an achiever I have accomplished many wonderful things and it has helped me get where I am today. I can see where this part of my personality can be a negative attribute or an area of challenge, I find myself being very competitive and if I fail at something I am very hard on myself almost to the point of being devastated. The second theme of my profile is Woo. â€Å"Woo stands for winning others over† (Anderson, Clifton, & Schreiner, 2006, p. 69). While reading the main points of this theme, it was like I was reading a description of myself. I could not believe how accurately this theme described a dominate part of my personality.Woos are drawn to strangers, we want to know their names and get to know as much about them as we can. Woos are not intimidated by strangers, we are drawn to them. As a woo, I am not scared or timid around people I do not know, on the contrary, I enjoy meeting new people, talking with them and getting to know them. I love hearing their stories and the history behind the experiences that have made them who they are. As a woo I am constantly gaining more knowledge, wisdom, and an understanding of the people and things around me that I may not have known before.The only drawback to this theme is that I find myself having so many friends or rather acquaintances, that I only know the superficial aspects of their personalities and lives. I find myself envying others who have a small group of friends because they have a deeper connection with them, they know what makes them tick and they have a closeness about them that resembles that of a family. I would not necessarily change this aspect of my personality because I thoroughly enjoy being friendly and meeting new people and without the woo factor, I wouldn’t have these wonderful experie nces daily.I would like to work on building deeper connections with a smaller group of friends and develop that closeness that is missing from my life. My next signature theme is the Includer, which is another very accurate description of my personality. The includer does not like to leave anybody out, we are very conscious of others feelings, and we don’t pass judgment on others. I am very aware of other peoples’ feelings and I take it upon myself to make sure people feel comfortable. The includer does not cast judgment on someone based on their race, sex, nationality, or religion (Anderson, Clifton, & Schreiner, 2006).Since I can remember I have always felt very strongly about these issues. I believe that people should respect each other regardless of their differences. I often have a hard time understanding why people do not think the same way. Being an includer comes natural to me and I believe it is common sense and I get very offended and often hurt when I wi tness people passing judgment and not treating others with respect. My mother always tells me â€Å"I want to save the world and carry the world’s burden on my shoulders. † My fourth theme was identified as Positivity.It is pretty self explanatory and I was honored it was one of my five themes. I strive to be positive by smiling and speaking to every person that I cross paths with. I try to always give my children, friends, and co-workers uplifting words of encouragement although sometimes I fall short. While I was reading the section on positivity, I was able to relate with the points, that people in this category are generous with praise, quick to smile, and try to see the positive in every situation (Anderson, Clifton, & Schreiner, 2006).I can definitely see that positivity is one of the main aspects of my personality, and one of the aspects that I find to be the most rewarding. Lastly, my fifth theme is Consistency. At first I was unsure how this theme fit with my personality, but after reading the section in the book it made perfect sense to me. People who value consistency are keenly aware of the need to treat people the same, no matter what their situation in life is (Anderson, Clifton, & Schreiner, 2006). I find it offensive when I witness people being judged, treated differently, or unfairly due to their financial status, race, sex, religion, etc.The book states that, we see ourselves as guardians against it (Anderson, Clifton, & Schreiner, 2006). I find whether I am at work or at home, my friends and family always joke with me about fighting everyone’s battles. I tend to defend people who do not have the courage to stand up for themselves so I wind up fighting the battle for them. This is a trait I am proud to have, although I find that by taking on other people’s problems, or battles, I in turn take on an extra amount of unneeded stress in my own life. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II questionnaire identifies your basic temperament type.At the end of the questionnaire it provides a combination of letters which describe your type of personality. I was identified as an ESFJ, (E) Standing for extraverted, (S) for sensory, (F) for feeling, and (J) for judging (Keirsey, 1998). These combinations of letters help determine your specific type of temperament. Temperaments are broken down into four groups: Artisans, Guardians, Idealists, and Rationals. ESFJ’s are placed under the category of the Guardians. Members of the Guardian group are then broken down into another four groups: Supervisor, Inspector, Provider, and Protector.This test classified me as a Provider. I read the section that described the attributes of the Provider and I felt it was another accurate description of my personality. Providers take it upon themselves to arrange for the physical health and welfare of those in need, yet they are the most social of all the Guardians, and thus are great nurturers and would do well w orking in intuitions such as schools, churches, hospitals, or social clubs (Keirsey, 1998). Providers are very emotional, conscious of appearances, and take the opinions of others very seriously.I am a very sensitive person and my feelings are easily hurt. I personally believe that one’s outward appearance is very important and do my best to make sure my children and I are presented in a respectable manner. I also take criticism to heart; I tend to worry too much about what others think of me. ESFJ’s need to be needed, and spend much energy making sure they deserve to be (Keirsey, 1998). Those statements are mostly true of my personality but the section in the book that discusses the roles of a Provider with their family, mates, and children were a perfect fit for me.When I read these paragraphs, I laughed out loud because it was so true of my personality and my beliefs. It was like I was reading an exact description of myself. I take my role as a mother, wife, sister, and daughter very seriously. I am a very loyal and loving wife and an extremely devoted mother to my children. I am amazed at the accuracy of this test and had quite a an eye opening experience, all the while, learning more about myself. Based on the knowledge and understanding of my strengths and Keirsey profile, I believe that my traits, would contribute greatly to a group or team.I am an achiever who has the drive, energy, and motivation to accomplish any task. The WOO in me, allows me to meet and accept new people easily. I believe my characteristics as an includer are also very important and crucial to being a team player. I want people to feel included and always try to make them feel comfortable. I understand that people are different and therefore will have different beliefs, but everyone should be treated with respect no matter what the situation. Positivity is another trait that would be beneficial for a team member to possess, I am always smiling and friendly with everyo ne I meet.I try to be optimistic and bring out the good in every situation even when it is hard for others to see the positive. Consistency is also important because members of a team should be consistent, reliable, and dependable. I strive to be all of those things with the team that I belong to at work. The aspects of my personality that are a challenge for me would be my traits as an achiever. By being an achiever I can come across as ultra competitive so I have to be conscientious about my competitive nature and try to contain it, understanding that I don’t always have to be the best.I have noticed that my drive for success and achievement on occasion has cast a shadow over the other areas of my personality that may be better suited to a group setting. Being happy for someone else is sometimes a challenge for me but I know that, that is one of my weaknesses and I try to make a conscious effort to control it. I believe that I am blessed to have many attributes that make me a good team player. The journey to self discovery and self understanding has been insightful, fun, and motivating.I have learned to embrace the strengths that I do possess and to try to enhance and strengthen the traits in others that I may be lacking. By better understanding the different personality traits and the different temperaments we can learn from one another and figure out a better way to solve the problems associated with life.References Anderson, E. â€Å"Chip†. , Clifton, D. O. , & Schreiner, L. A. (2006). StrengthsQuest. New York: Gallup Press. Keirsey, D. (1998). Please Understand Me II, Temperament Character Intelligence. Del Mar: Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.

Message to Garcia Synopsis Essay

The message to Garcia describes the average human mindset, action and reactions toward a given task. Many men and women from past to present want work, status, money and reputation; but feel work is not needed. It describes not all but many situations pertaining to people having lack of initiative. In this book Elbert Hubbard states people on average will ask one or many question about the task being given to them. How I do it, where can I find it, who can I get to help, what time does it have to be done; are all examples. People get lazy and complacent, instead of getting some initiative and finding out the answers to their questions themselves. Message to Garcia isn’t saying every task has to be accomplished but, rather ideations of how problems could be solved through statistics and opinions. Many situations Hubbard has explained have facts about men and woman in today’s society. How many times have we heard â€Å"Go take this to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and the person being tasked asks multiple questions about the task the he himself could very well find. By asking questions the employer or task giver is being held up from completing other tasks he has been issued, to explain to this person where, when, why, how. In a lot of cases today, by the time we have completed explaining the task; we ourselves could’ve completed it. By no means is Hubbard expressing to us readers we shouldn’t task out our subordinates but do our jobs as well. On the other hand he is also elaborating on his belief no matter the details, many or few, the task should be done when given to. I feel Message to Garcia was trying to get a point across to us readers; that many of us desire great things but, in order to achieve great things we must do great works. We cannot want and not give anything; little effort will bring little fortune. I don’t believe the book is trying to tell us how we should go about our business day to day, yet allowing us to ponder ideas on how to eradicate these issues. Make pragmatic decisions during tasks given rather than giving up early or not doing it at all. By giving our undivided attention to our job, and not stopping until it is complete or no other outcome is possible to accomplish it. I believe everybody plays a role in a job; it is everyone’s duty to do their part and not pass it to another person or not complete it. When we all do our jobs an elliptical motion continues, rolling smoothly.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Crown Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Crown Court - Essay Example Summary offenses dealt with at the Magistrate Court include less serious ones such as traffic offenses or failure to pay taxes and will generally include all cases, including triable offenses, where the defendant has opted for a summary trial. However, the Crown Court hears those cases involving indictable offenses which include the category of serious offenses such as rape or murder. In so far as triable offenses are concerned, all offenses start at the Magistrate Court but the Crown Court deals with all those offenses which the Magistrate Court feels is so serious that only the Crown Court can with it, or where the defendant has requested for trial by jury. â€Å"Approximately ninety-six percent of criminal cases are dealt with summarily at a Magistrates Court.†2 A comparison of workloads of the two courts in terms of trials which was conducted in 1999 showed that â€Å"over four times as many trials took place in the magistrate's courts as in the Crown Court.†3 The q ualifications required to sit as a judge in a Crown Court is that the person in question must be a fully qualified solicitor or barrister and must have spent a minimum time of at least seven years in practice, after qualifying. In the case of magistrates, no formal training is advocacy is required and magistrates are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds. Lay Magistrates only undergo a short period of training and the exhaustive legal qualification and practice requirements required of judicial authorities in the crown courts are not expected of them. They are appointed by Lord Chancellor on the advice of the local advisory committees. However, the advantage with lay magistrates is that they are sensitive to local conditions prevailing in the area where they serve.  While judicial officials receive a salary, magistrates are not paid and give their time on a voluntary basis to engage in the business of administration of justice.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Work Placement Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Work Placement Journal - Essay Example It involved a test of character, commitment and the ability to listen to the instructions set by the Director. Some skills are not acquired at school, they boil down to morals and etiquette. In my new job, some responsibilities were delegated to me, and without certain skills I would not be able to deliver as expected. Communication skills were some of the vital skill I was expected to have. According to the University Of Kent (2013) effective communication involves the ability of expressing views and ideas confidently. As exhibited for the first practice, I had to approach the staff and ask for help with some tasks. Charlotte. L and Kidd. J (2000) and communication skills must persuading and this went a long in convincing the residents to take the alcohawk. It is expressed that for communication to be effective, one must be able to communicate as a team which was sometimes put into test when I was required to interview a new resident with a member of staff. Within a number of days my communication skills had improved, which considerably improved my telephone communication skills. Treuer. P (2011) explains that effective communication without the ability to listen leads to instructions being misunderstood. Effective listening skills involve avoiding distractions when being spoken to. Mark Twain (1898) quoted that we are supposed to listen more than we talk since we have two ears and one mouth. When listening to someone, the listener should be at ease, since which it shows the speaker, that you are keen to listen and it is also expected that the listener will be patient and willing. As illustrated by Treuer. P (2011) the speaker should not get the impression that there is

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Percentage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Percentage - Essay Example Percentages are very popular in the sports world, especially in baseball. A recent sports article is entitled, â€Å"Brewers Play Percentages by Moving Infield.† The article explains that what the Brewers have done better so far than any other team is take away hits from opposing hitters (Haudricourt, 2011). The manager accomplishes this by shifting his infielders to one side of the field when a pull hitter comes up to bat. This and other similar strategies managers use is known as â€Å"playing the percentages.† As mentioned, percentages are very important in business. An example of a very important business percentage is gross profit percentage. This number is a key indicator of the current health of a business. Gross profit percentage is total revenue minus total costs divided by total revenue. This number is very useful because â€Å"comparing the company’s GPP at regular time intervals can determine how well the company is performing over time† (ehow, 2010). Percentages interest me because they can be used in virtually every facet of life.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

To What Extent is a British Immigration Policy a Product of a Essay

To What Extent is a British Immigration Policy a Product of a Hollowing Out the State - Essay Example Britain has had to redefine itself as a nation-state and to create for the first time a national citizenship. The confused and bitter politics of immigration during the last quarter-century have been due to the absence of a strong identity as a nation-state and a well established national citizenship until 1981. Thus Britain lacked a criterion for deciding whom to admit to its territory. The government later drew distinctions in the immigration law between persons of Britain and its colonies; it the created a special second-class citizenship status, without the right of immigration for the residents of Hong Kong and others (Black and Kniveton 2008). With the continued influx of persons, Britain had to change the immigration policies, aiming to integrate and assimilate those immigrants who had already settled and being closing its borders to any further immigration. The concerns of the British government were not only social, cultural and political, they were also economical in that u nemployment and other risks had started to crop up (Ian and Spencer 2007). With reference to the discussion question given, this paper assess the hollowing out the state Rhode’s theory has an effect on the main British policies in the case of immigration. The paper will also assess to what extent a British immigration policy a product of hollowing out the state. To the economy of Britain, immigration has become highly significant in that immigrants comprise more than 12% of the total workforce in Britain with the biggest portion of these immigrants being based in London. However, it was found that the argument that was being made by the British government that net immigration – immigration minus emigration – generates significant economic benefits for the existing British population had no backing evidence. The GDP, which the government uses in making its argument, was found to be an irrelevant and misleading criterion for assessing the economic impacts of immig ration of the British population. It was suggested that the focus of analysis should rather be based on the effects of immigration on income per head of the current population (Ian and Spencer, 2007). The economic impacts if immigration depends critically on the skills acquired by the immigrants. Immigrants with different qualifications and levels of education can have different impacts of the economy of a country. It was found out that many business and public services at the present in Britain make use of the skills and hard work of the immigrants. Sind the implementation of successive immigration acts since 1962, Britain successfully managed to keep the net migration levels low heading into the 1980s. This was by accepting and overall number of migrants at a rate which was lower than the other European countries. In addition to that it allowed Britain to successfully control and channel migration which is the strength that the core executive enjoys within the immigration policy m aking process (England 2009). In the 1970s for example, the British immigration office began allowing male immigrants to bring their wives and children into the country from other countries but discouraged women from bringing their husbands into the country from other countries. The 197 Immigration act was the only piece of legislation in Britain which gave the resettlement rights to the immediate family members of the immigrant residence. This

Friday, October 4, 2019

Coal Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Coal Energy - Essay Example Millions of people depend on it for their living. (Bisk). But because of the strong protests from environmentalists, it was difficult to process these coal energies for the energy requirements of United States. This article argues that the cavalier attitude of ivory tower environmentalists towards the millions of working and middle class people who make their livings (directly and indirectly) from coal creates enemies of the environmental movement amongst the very people who should be the most avid allies of environmentalism (Bisk). It suggests some ways of preventing the environment problems caused by the processing or extraction of coal energy through coal liquification. It focuses its attention on the link between the worlds large coal reserves and the green energy movement. Energy crisis is one of the severe problems faced by many countries irrespective developed or developing. The huge population growth and the heavy industrialization processes made energy an inevitable entity for the modern life. It is unimaginable to think about a world without electricity or vehicles. At the same time most of the conventional energy sources like coal and petroleum are non-renewable energies and also the processing of these energy sources is creating lot of problems to the environment. Environmentalists have raised a huge protest against the injudicious processing of coal like energy sources. The article suggests that by using coal liquification process US can produce a barrel of oil for about $30. Even though this process may release more CO2 than the extraction and refinement of liquid fuel from petroleum the author suggests some ways to counter such problems. In his opinion; the environmentalist’s protests can be reduced if the coal liquification process would liberate only half a ton of CO2 for every ton of greenhouse

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Security Survey Essay Example for Free

Security Survey Essay A security survey at Reedy Recovery Company was conducted on September 15, 2011 by Amy Reedy who was invited and retained by DeVry University for a security assessment. Information in the report was obtained from James Write, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial officer, and Rhonda Forbes, Facilities Manager, personal observations were done by James Write during the inspection of the DeVry facility. The intentions of this report are a detailed audit of all security aspects and phases of the Reedy Recovery Company. Our company will review and evaluate areas and activities that are considered most vulnerable to theft and safety risks. It is not the intentions of Reedy Recovery Company or the writer of this report to evaluate DeVry’s employees or their integrity and this is not what this report will attempt to do. We are solely here for the security of the company alone. Summary Reedy Recovery Company is a business that acquires PC components from a number of sources, we then look them over and transform them to perform better and enhance security features on them and return them back to our clients. We are a company owned 80 percent by Pccorp and 20 percent byPCfix. com. Other services include building and assembly of Pc’s. We at Reedy Recovery Company are ranked number one in the market in the PC security industry. The Reedy Recovery Company has a great process in handling our clients merchandise and it is a very promising and satisfactory process. All of our products are equipped with ESN or model numbers, these can be scanned or imputed my hand by the receiver of the product. This insures that the product is imputed in to our computerized inventory tracking system and is safe and secure until ready for repair or production. When handled by each person in the process of repairs they are also required to scan or hand enter the model number so you the client can see where your merchandise is and it what stage it is at so you have an idea of the retrieval of your product. Before it is placed with the rest of the shipments it is scanned again so that the tracking of your device is easy for you to follow allowing you to know the date of delivery. Details General information The DeVry Center is located on a four-acre plot of land in downtown New York City. It is a 30-story corporate tower high-rise, which includes 1,250 underground parking garage spaces and a rooftop garden. Construction of the building was completed in December of 2008, and 27 of the 30 floors are occupied by tenants. Currently, there are 1,800 tenants in the building, which has a maximum capacity of 2,000. There are several computer rooms, a restricted control and observation room, a records room, human resource area which contains records, scanners and critical information. Since the end of construction in December of 2008 they have designed different access to areas to limit employees from entering an area in which they are not granted access. Due to the heavy and ongoing work of these employees, future or potential employees are processed by Reedy Recovery Company. In which we do back ground checks and drug screening. All employees present and future need sign a confidentially agreement stating that at any given time and without giving them a reason that their office space, computers, emails and files may be searched. And any employee not willing to sign this agreement may be asked to leave the company or can chose not to be hired as a direct result of not signing the agreement. Physical security DeVry is a 24 hour operating facility from the hours of 8am to 5pm there is a receptionist stationed at the front reception desk. Beginning at 5pm a security officer takes the place of the receptionist. Badges with bar codes are provided for every employee and visitor that contains their credentials, on it showing who they are what areas they are allowed to visit and what position they maintain at the company. A sign in log is also located on the desk and upon arrival the person must sign in and have their badge swiped for recognition that the person is who they claim to be and authorization to the facility. These badges are also used as swipe cards to gain access to an area, once swiped the doors will either open or give an error message that says access denied. Being that all doors are electronic and can only be opened with a badge swipe there is a 4 hour backup system that incase of fire or power outage will allow access to evacuate the premises if the power fails. In the head of security managers office there is a lock box which contains keys as well so if the system fails electronically it may be opened by key. From 8am to 5pm a security officer is patrolling the outside perimeter and the garage and garden area. A cleaning crew is also part of the DeVry facility however because of clearance issues they are accompanied by a security officer to every area they go to ensure they are cleaning and cleaning only. Alarm Systems DeVry is equipped with an alarm system by ADT however the system has never been armed and only the CEO knows the pass code. Out of the 30 stories there are only two emergency exists on the premises. There are two fire pull switches both located on the first floor, fire detectors are installed but no kind of sprinkler system is located in the building, only a single fire extinguisher. CCTV There are cctvs located on several of the floors totaling a count of 12 all together. The recordings of these can be viewed for a period of 30 days and after that are erased automatically. There are three locations these can be viewed, one is the reception desk, one is located in the facility managers office and the other in the control room at the shipping and receiving area. Visitors All visitors must check in at the receptions desk be given an id badge and sign in on the visitors log book. Inventory Control The access to the vault is limited to 6 employees. The CEO, Facility Manager, Security manager and the head of shipping and receiving along with 2 shipping and receiving employees. There is one camera located at the desk pointing at the vault itself. There is no log for the person entering it or if they have a visitor with them anything to sign or check before entering. Shipping and Receiving The shipping and receiving area is located inside the vault equipped with three doors for items to be dropped off or picked up. The access to this area is limited to the personnel listed above. Access is granted only by use of the swipe badge by the electronic system. There is no use of CCTV in the vault, but at the request of DeVry Reedy Recovery system has installed a lock box for additional security of the items. As items are processed in or out of the facility they are scanned in to the system for tracking insurance. Recommendations The security procedures of Reedy Recovery Company have proven to be thorough and extremely effective. As badges are used and swiped upon entry to the building and a sign in log used, it would be in the best interest for DeVry to also ask to see another form of ID such as a driver’s license to ensure that the person is who they claim to be. It is also in the best interest of DeVry to include in their badges tracking software that logs entry to areas and monitoring the persons activities while inside the facility. As for the reception desk it is recommended that a buzzer be placed on the outside of the entry door so that the person has to be allowed access to the facility, along with this another CCTV should be set on the outside of the door so that he or she can see the door and who is standing there before buzzing a person in. It is also recommended that the security officer who patrols the grounds while the receptionist is at her desk not only do it between the hours of 8am and 5pm, but that shift are made to patrol the grounds at all times, as anyone could find out this schedule and attempt to breach the facility when they know an officer is not patrolling after 5pm. As there are alarm systems available to the company but not being used it is recommended that these systems be armed at all times and employees be made aware of these alarms, what areas will set the alarms off, and how they should use them properly and safely as to not engage them and cause a scare that is not an actual threat. These can also be in correlation with the badge swipe system. The CCTV as it is good to have should be increased to one on every floor at each end of a hall way, placed inside the vault area for monitoring. Also the 30 days of saved recording times should be changed to a 60 day period in case something is found late it can be reviewed as needed. Also it is recommended that a CCTV be placed in the parking garages, and on the roof garden for better monitoring of the grounds, TV monitors should be placed at the reception desk, the Security Managers office and one in the control room or viewing of these areas as well. Access to visitors should not be so easy, when entering the building the receptionist or security officer whoever is on duty should log the signature of the visitor, make a copy of his or her driver’s license for security reasons and also compare the picture on the ID to the person giving it to them. Only after this should they be given a badge to allow them access to the facility. The person on duty should be aware that if a person who presents an ID that is not theirs or seems to be false, they should excuse themselves and call the security manager immediately so that proper action can be taken and local authorities notified. We spoke of fire alarms and emergency exists. As of now they are located only on the first floor. It is recommended that one fire exit be placed on each floor with access to a fire escape passage in case of a fire. Besides the two pull switches on the first floor one should be located in an easy to reach area on each floor. Also sprinkler systems should be installed on every floor and in the vault area so in case of a fire, the sprinkler systems can attempt to control the fire while the local fire department is on its way. This goes with using the security system also, when the security system provided by ADT is activated if a fire does break out ADT is notified and calls the local fire department for you, so you can rest assure help is on the way. The vault area should have CCTV on every door where the shipping and receiving goes on. A camera should be added to the hallway area monitoring employees there. Another CCTV should be monitoring the lobby outside the vault area and it should be able to be viewed by employees inside the vault area. Shipping and receiving should be more closely monitored especially when some of the items are being picked up by and external carrier. These people should also show ID for the company they are working for and along with signing the receiving slip also sign in to a log book with their name, time, date and what they are picking up and dropping off. Please be advised that these are the recommendations of Reedy Recovery Company and we take great pride in being given the opportunity to assist you in your security needs for your facility. You can rest assured that your company will be at little risk if you take these recommendations and put them to work for you. It has been a pleasure in assisting you in increasing the security of your company and if you have any other concerns or questions please feel free to contact our office and ask to speak to me directly.